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Upcoming Fundraising Events and Activities

Here's how to help us with our fundraising activities this year!


Donate via the ASF link above, or simply email us with your preferences and we'll allocate you a job as per the list below:


Ongoing every month

Chocolate Drive*

Sell a box chocolates or two, or three. 

Pre-order via the Customer Portal>Pro Shop.

Drawn 22nd of March

Easter Raffle*

Organise raffle

Create promotional material

Promote event to members

Print tickets and publish on to Portal

Finalise draw and notify winners

23rd of March

Easter Disco*

Organise Event

Setup/Pack Away

Assist coaches with running event

Organise door prizes and games prizes

27th of April / 27th of July

Inhouse Sausage Sizzles*

Organise parent rosters
Order and collect rolls/sausages/drinks

Finalise fundraising totals & banking

Cook sausages

Sell to customers

Cut rolls/onions

Pack away/Clean Up

Drawn 3rd of May

Mother's Day Raffle*

Organise raffle

Create promotional material

Promote event to members

Print tickets and publish on to Portal

Finalise draw and notify winners


Jolly Soles

Organise order forms

Promote event

Collate orders

Distribute order



REC Chocolate Drive*

Sell a box chocolates or two, or three. 
Pre-order via the Customer Portal>Pro Shop

Dates To Be Confirmed

Entertainment Books
(not available for levy offset)

purchase on Entertainment Book online here -

7th-9th of June

Inhouse Badge Test*

Canteen Assistant

Setup/Pack Away



23rd of June

REC Competition*

Setup/Pack Away

Canteen Assistant

Sausage Sizzlers


Canteen Assistant

Raffle Ticket Organiser/Seller

Drawn 23rd of August

Father's Day Raffle*

Organise raffle

Distribute tickets

Finalise draw and notify winners

3rd of November

Gala Day*

Organise event

Assist with decorations

Setup/Pack Away

Canteen Assistant

Sausage Sizzlers

1st of December

REC Showcase*

Setup/Pack Away

Canteen Assistant

Sausage Sizzlers


Decorations Management

Raffle Ticket Organiser/Seller

Drawn 6th of December

Xmas Raffle*

Organise donations

Distribute tickets

Finalise draw and notify winners


Entertainment Books BRANDED IMAGES_Family.jpg

Terms and Conditions For Levy Offsets:

Events and activities marked with a * are eligible for Levy offset.

 It is important to note that for the Chocolate Drive - a minimum of 3 x boxes of chocolates per "squad semester" needs to be purchased to be eligible for levy offset.

* We require a minimum of 3 volunteer hours (consecutively) if you wish to offset any fundraising levies at approved activities or events.

* Volunteers for events must be pre-registered and approved by the Fundraising Committee prior to the commencement of the activity. Volunteer hours carried out at Unit 3 are not eligible for offsets.

* Levies are billed per semester for squad athletes (November-April, May-October) of each calendar year.

* Levies are billed "per family" and can be pro rata'd if a member ceases enrollment in a squad.


Ask us how you can get $150 off your registration and class tuition

We are an approved NDIS provider


Proudly Affiliated with

Gymnastics Australia


Proudly Affiliated with

Gymnastics WA

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